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Yes, it is Monday, the least popular day of the week and notorious for being hectic.  Now that we have established that, take a deep breath in.  Now let it out.  Repeat until calm.  Do you feel relaxed? Invigorated?  Does your day/week seem a little more manageable now?  Imagine being able to feel like this all the time!  No, there’s no magic pill or elixir we’re about to tell you about. We’re talking yoga!

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Yoga is personal.  It is more than a series of poses and stretches.  While the physical rewards are obvious and enticing, it’s what yoga does for the inner self that is the real hook.  We recently started going to Yoga Circle Downtown in Downtown Los Angeles and it has been life changing.  Yoga studios are more than just the ambiance and yoga mats, there is a certain energy that one must connect with.  Doesn’t matter what class you’re going to, from the moment you walk into Yoga Circle you feel the welcoming positivity of the atmosphere.  Each instructor has his or her own style and voice but the one thing that they all have in common is their ability to foster a circle of energy that radiates harmony and calm.  That harmony and calm that we’re talking about…it stays with you.  Yoga does more than strengthen the body; it empowers the mind, calms the spirit and revitalizes your energy so you can truly breathe in the moments and embrace your life with intent and peace.

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